Israit 1st. Annual meeting. September 2019

Israit 2019Congress for Intimate Treatments.
State of the Art in the field of Intimate Surgery.
4-hour Live-Surgery Session.

The aim of ISRAIT is to develop guidelines for the best and safest intimate treatments worldwide and to contribute to the training and promotion of high-quality education. The annual conference is the perfect forum for this: Promoting international exchange between specialists in intimate-surgical interventions in various disciplines, providing information on the latest developments and presenting innovative treatment methods.

Board of Directors – Executive Committee (2018 – 2021): President: Dr. Marwan Nuwayhid, Germany; Vice President: Dr. Gustavo Leibaschoff, USA; Treasurer: Dr. Nicolas Berreni, France; Clerk: Dr. Evgenii Leshunov , Russia; Secretary: Dr. Refaat B. Karim, Netherlands; Executive Boards Coordinator: Dr. Tobias Hamers, Spain

Israit board of directors