Breast augmentation

Being proud of your body, your figure nicely balanced, that’s what every woman deserves.

You know the best you are comfortable with, so your wishes are central. Dr. Karim can advise you on what best suits your body.


Preliminary visit
If you request an appointment you can nearly always count on being received by Dr. Karim within 2 weeks. We hold a preliminary visit in which we assess your requirements. You can even see how you will look after surgery thanks to the exclusive Crisalix software. We will send you a hard copy so you can consider the pros and cons of the procedure.

The procedure can usually be performed within two weeks of the preliminary visit.

You should take things easy for at least two weeks after surgery. Recovery from an operation is important, give yourself plenty of time and rest to recover!

You will return two weeks after the operation for us to see how it is progressing and to remove the stitches if necessary.

Final checkup
There is another final checkup three months after the operation. During the procedure, Dr. Karim ascertains whether the recovery has been successful and your satisfaction with the final result.

Before the operation

Since you cannot drive home after the operation (no car or bicycle), it is important for you to make travel arrangements.

Do you use blood-thinning drugs? Please let us know if you do. Ask the doctor from whom you get the prescription and find out if you can temporarily stop treatment. Your doctor will tell you how many days before the operation you should or can stop taking the blood-thinning drug. Dr. Karim wants to ensure this is possible in order to avoid unnecessary risks.

Fever or flu the day before the operation? Contact Dr. Karim to decide if the operation can be performed or should be postponed.

Cosmetics and personal care products
We understand that you always want to look your best, but on the day of surgery you cannot use skin care products or makeup.

Alcohol consumption
You may feel nervous about the operation, but you can’t drink alcohol the day before (or on the day itself, of course!)! Drinking alcohol increases the chances of subsequent bleeding of the wound.

Consent to the operation and description of the procedure
Generally, before each operation, you will sign an agreement and consent form.

During the operation

Skin incision

Release of the cavity that will house the prosthesis (above or below the muscle)

Placement of the prosthesis


Duration of the operation: about 1 hour

After the operation

After the procedure, you will have two small patches placed at the bottom of your breasts and be taken to the recovery room for recovery.

You can go home the same day. When you have drains, you will return a few days later to have the tape and drains removed.

Sports bra
Wear a sports bra for six weeks after the procedure.

When the drains are removed, the wounds can be wet in the shower.

For the first few days you will feel pain in the breasts surrounding area. This lasts for a maximum of two weeks. During these two weeks you will need to take it easy to recover from the operation. Give yourself plenty of time and rest to recover!

If you wish, you can take two 500 mg paracetamol tablets four times a day.

Soluble stitches
After a breast augmentation, the wound is closed with soluble stitches.

Physical activity
Avoid physical exertion, such as bending over and lifting heavy objects, for at least two weeks.

Scar cream
Six weeks after the procedure, you can begin to apply scar cream.


Safe operation
A breast augmentation is a safe procedure, especially in expert hands.

General risks of any operation
Subsequent bleeding, infection, fluid retention, thromboembolism, slow healing, and unsightly scarring are all risks in any surgery.

Specific risks
After a breast augmentation, a temporary change in nipple sensation may occur.

Opening of the wound
The wound may open if the patches or stitches are removed prematurely. Keep patches and stitches in place until 2 weeks after the procedure.


A breast augmentation provides a long-lasting result, after approximately one year it can be considered to reach its permanent appearance.

As with any bilateral surgery, perfect symmetry cannot be guaranteed. Fortunately nothing in nature is perfectly symmetrical.

Passage of time
Over time, the breasts may change. Due to pregnancy, fluctuations in your weight, or changes in hormone regulation.

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    Facts about the Breast augmentation treatment



    Operation time

    60 min.


    14 - 40 days