If you make an appointment you can nearly always count on Dr. Karim receiving you within 2 weeks.
The procedure can usually be performed within two weeks of the admission interview.
After surgery, you should relax for two weeks and wear compressive garments for at least six weeks.
Two weeks after the surgery you will come back for us to see your progress and remove the stitches.
Final checkup
You will come back for a final checkup three months after the operation.
Before the operation

Because you cannot drive home after an operation (no car or bicycle), it is important to make travel arrangements.
Do you use blood-thinning drugs? Please let us know if you do. Ask the doctor from whom you get the prescription and find out if you can temporarily stop treatment. Your doctor will tell you how many days before the operation you should or can stop taking the blood-thinning drug. Dr. Karim wants to ensure this is possible in order to avoid unnecessary risks.
Fever or flu the day before the operation? Contact Dr. Karim to decide if the operation can be performed or should be postponed.
Cosmetics and personal care products
We understand that you always want to look your best, but on the day of surgery you cannot use skin care products or makeup.
You may feel nervous about the operation, but you can’t drink alcohol the day before (or on the day itself, of course!)! Drinking alcohol increases the chances of subsequent bleeding of the wound.
Signing of the consent form
Before the surgery, you will sign the arm treatment plan.
During the operation

Skin incision
Relocation of the navel upwards
If the abdominal muscles are relaxed, they will be retracted again.
Stitching of the skin
The operation lasts about 2 hours
After the operation

Your belly will be wrapped with a bandage (Tubigrip).
You can usually go home the day after. If you have drains, they will be removed before you go home or you will come to have them removed a few days after the operation.
Compressive garment
You will wear one for six weeks.
Within a week, wounds can be wet in the shower.
Your abdomen and surrounding areas will feel sore. This will last at least two weeks.
If necessary, you can take two 500 mg paracetamol tablets four times a day.
Resorbable stitches
In an abdominoplasty, you will have soluble stitches. These don’t need to be removed.
Take at least two weeks rest and avoid overexertion, such as bending over and lifting heavy objects.
Scar cream
Four weeks after the operation, you can start applying a few smears of scar cream.

Safe operation
An belly correction is a safe procedure.
Risks inherent to any operation
Very rarely subsequent bleeding, infection, fluid retention and unsightly scarring.
Opening of the wound
The wound may open when the bandage is removed too soon. So leave it on until the follow-up appointment. You can lubricate by applying scar cream.

A belly correction is a treatment with a lasting result; the final result can be assessed approximately one year after the intervention.
As with any double-sided surgery, absolute symmetry cannot be guaranteed.
Passage of time
Because of your weight changes or pregnancy, your body may also change over time.